
Words of Recognition

"My daughter attended Seedlings 2014-2015 school year and will be starting PreK 2015-2016. She loves going and to her it’s not school, it’s just fun play but I can see how much she has learned. Seedlings is perfect for her because she gets to explore while learning, it’s never boring for her and it’s always a new adventure. We’ve tried other preschools in the area and she always commented that she didn’t like it, the teacher was mean, not fun, etc. She is not one to sit and do paperwork so Seedlings was perfect for her and she has nothing bad to say about school or the teacher now. We look forward to watching her grow more in this next school year."
- Edith, Maricopa, AZ 

"My son went to Seedlings from about age 2 to 4.5 and loved every year there. I truly think this school is part of the reason he loves learning so much. He used to be a little behind in speech, and since going to preschool, his speech has improved so much. He also started reading when he turned 4. As a result, he tested into kindergarten early, which is the only reason he is leaving Seedlings. We already miss it there, but once my daughter is old enough to go to preschool in a year or two, we will be back!"
- Autumn, Maricopa, AZ 

"My daughter absolutely LOVES Seedlings & Miss Lindsey. She has grown up & learned so much in the 2 years she has been going there. She started off at around 2 & was hardly speaking English & within a couple of weeks Miss Lindsey had her chatting away. I fully believe that play is the very best way for our kids to learn about their world & Seedlings has provided a place where my daughter can play, create, dance & learn. She still asks me every morning if she gets to go to school & is always so sad on the days she doesn't have it. I highly recommend Seedlings & Miss Lindsey."
- Jamie, Maricopa, AZ 

"My son is in Miss Lindsey's toddler class. Sending him to her school is one of the best decisions I've made! He loves going to school and playing with his friends. I always leave with the sense that he is coming home a more enriched little boy. Lindsey is amazing with all her students. We're very lucky to have found her school."
- Jackie, Maricopa, AZ

"Lindsey has been a significant and positive role model for my daughter.  I am amazed at the notable results for my daughter educationally and with her self-confidence over the past year.  Aside from the impressive academic achievement, Lindsey has proven herself in the classroom to be set apart from any other teacher we have experienced in the past three years.  Her classroom control is unmatched, she relates to the children in a very real and respectful manner, and she is very dependable and reliable."
- Cheryl, Maricopa, AZ

"It was always a joy to go into Lindsey's class, which was a well-organized, attractive, child-centered space and see the children happily engaged in many activities."
- Lee, Former Employer, PA

"Whatever magic it is that teachers - really good teachers - seem to have - Lindsey has!  Her patience, organization and warmth has done wonders for Cali.  I hope she will continue teaching so that other children will experience her magic too!"
- Cami, Phoenixville, PA

"Lindsey ran a strong academic program as well as putting a major focus on social skills.  She set high expectations for the children and guided them along the way as they reached and celebrated their goals.  She provided many opportunities outside the realm of 'normal learning' such as cooking, plays, shows and interactive activities.  I always appreciated the great teacher that Lindsey was and the lessons she taught my son, but it is only after he left her care and we experienced other teachers that I truly appreciated the value of Miss Lindsey."
- Megan, Phoenixville, PA

"If you were ever in doubt as to whether or not you reach the children, or that they are even paying attention, you can be assured that at least one child was!  We are forever hearing Bryan say, 'Miss Lindsey said....'.  We sometimes wonder if there is anything that Miss Lindsey doesn't know!  It is truly a testament to what a wonderful teacher you are, and we feel very fortunate to have had you as Bryan's teacher this past year."
- Tracey, Phoenixville, PA

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