
Saturday, July 6, 2013

Reflection Writing

Sometimes activities happen by accident and it usually involves a child who just stumbles upon something that should have been completely obvious to a seasoned preschool teacher.....this was one of those activities.

One of our preschool pals came by one afternoon for a play date with Monkey and she ended up standing at my coffee table with one of my very loved (aka scratched beyond belief) acrylic mirrors and a dry erase marker.  Since I was sitting on the couch chatting with said preschool pal's totally amazing Mama, I was feeling too lazy to get up and retrieve a white board and suggested that she use the marker on the mirror.  Voila!  Reflection Writing was born!

For the next few days, I set out the mirrors and markers together to see what would happen.  A few of the kiddos tried it out, but Monkey really jumped in head-first.

I've seen some great advancements in his drawing and writing lately, and he's been very into suns, faces, people and his name, so the mirror just provided a new canvas for his current interests.

Sun + face = awesome!!

And erasing is just as much fun!!

What creative uses have you found for mirrors or dry erase markers??


  1. Hi! Found you on Monday Kid Corner link up. What an awesome idea! My 20 month old likes checking herself out in the mirror and like to scribble/doodle, so I think I am going to give this a try. Thanks for sharing! Now following via G+.
    ~Jackie @ <a href=">The Non-Martha Momma</a>

    1. Thanks! Accidental ideas are sometimes the best ones!

  2. There's something so special about mirrors when they are introduced to children's play. Thanks for linking up with Tuesday Tots. I've featured your post on my blog today Feel free to stop by and grab a "featured at" button" if you'd like one.

    1. Thank you! Yes, we love mirrors and there will be a whole lot more in our new classroom set up next month - I can't wait! Thanks for the feature, I'll head on over! :)

  3. What a fun way to learn writing and drawing - great fine motor activity! I am featuring this on iGameMom's Mom's Library. Thanks for sharing!


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