
Friday, September 5, 2014


After this week, I can officially say #1: I'm exhausted and #2: I'm in LOVE with my new curriculum!  It's always tricky writing an entirely new curriculum from scratch and then attempting to implement it when neither the teacher nor the children have experienced it before, but after working out all the kinks in August, we've settled nicely into a routine and we're really starting to get into learning through play!

September at Seedlings is all about colors, 5 senses, descriptive language and finding out more about our friends and how we are alike and different.

We had a veritable color explosion this week, here is a look at what we did!

One of our sensory tables was completely filled with RED items!  I will switch the color each week, so we will also have a blue table, a green table and a yellow table this month.

Our other sensory table was filled with rainbow rice, which, of course, only looked like this for three seconds before it became this:
Still lovely!  And the most popular place in the classroom this week!

Part colors, part 5 senses; I created a rainbow water xylophone for a bit of musical fun.  A feast for eyes and ears!

Our second most popular activity this week was our color mixing tray.  I'm pretty sure I reset this tray about 15 times per class, but I was so thrilled every time I heard, "I made green!!" from that area.  This one will be switched out each week so we can create all of the secondaries and by the last week of September, the kiddos will have all three primaries to work with.

We start many of our days with play dough.  Everyone loves play dough and it's a great way to get the kiddos involved and talking immediately.  Our 5 Senses theme this month offers loads of options for play dough additions and this week I opted for Color Surprise play dough that I saw posted a while back here.  We start out with white dough with a surprise inside and as we play, we see it begin to change.
Eventually, the whole ball of play dough is a solid color.  I started with just primaries for my first class, but because I have multiple classes and different kiddos each day, I wanted everyone to have a chance to make a new color, so we eventually ended up with a fun mix of doughs.
Next week, these fun colors will be getting added textures!

Stay tuned for a look at our 5 Senses adventures later this month!!

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