
Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Whatever the Weather...

We recently revisited Seasons and Weather in our lessons and activities.  Check out some of our previous adventures here:

We did some of the same activities and added some new ones for good measure!
Last year's favorite was definitely rainbow rain, so we had to repeat that one for sure!

We made our own 'snow' using Insta-Snow Powder.  While it doesn't feel exactly like real snow, it's pretty close and certainly fun for Arizona kiddos, many of whom have never seen real snow.  As an added bonus, it's a science experiment!  Just look at that concentration trying to figure out how that itty bitty bit of powder is turning into snow!
When everyone was finished playing, I put all of the snow into our big sensory table for everyone to share!

This totally rad kid-made Sun Bread was our snack one day during weather week - so yummy!!!

Another activity we usually can't do in our area is leaf rubbing.  While there are some trees around with larger leaves, I don't personally have any nearby.  However, I do have an awesome preschool parent who was kind enough to bring me leaves when she went on vacation and I laminated them and have been using them for a couple of years now.  I was surprised to find they make absolutely perfect leaf rubbings despite being laminated!  My block crayons also make shading easy-peasy for even the youngest kiddos. :)

Whether the weather be fine,
Or whether the weather be not,
Whether the weather be cold,
Or whether the weather be hot,
We'll weather the weather
Whatever the weather,
Whether we like it or not! 

- Anonymous

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